Use kindle for mac
Use kindle for mac

use kindle for mac

In Finder, right-click the files, in the drop-down menu choose Send to Kindle.Drag and drop documents onto the Send to Kindle icon located in Dock.From here, you have multiple ways to send contents to Kindle:.Download and install Send to Kindle for Mac.**Only viable if you’re using an account. Stay tuned while we offer you the most hands-on guide to navigate around Send to Kindle from ground zero.

use kindle for mac

Among the five methods mentioned, it’s up to you to choose the one that suits you the most. There are however differences relating to what contents you are allowed to send (see details at each method below), and you can decide which devices you are about to send the contents to. Send to Kindle can be easily learned and then be widely used, working perfectly fine on both PC and mobile phone, sectored into five general methods: Google Chrome, PC, Mac, Email and mobile phone. It’s a convenient function that enables users to transfer files to Kindle using Wi-Fi connection, without having to go through the trouble of using USB cables.

Use kindle for mac how to#

But there’s a prerequisite for taking the most advantage of Kindle, which is understanding how to use Send to Kindle service developed by Amazon. As Kindle’s functions get more and more overarching, this dominant device designed to reestablish the eReader world has been able to suit even more occasions, basically you can view anything you want on Kindle.

Use kindle for mac